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Beechgrove Sports Partnership

SCIO Registered Charity SC041574

The Beechgrove Sports Partnership is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation (SCIO) and is registered with the Office for Scottish Charity Register (OSCR).


Who We Are

The Beechgrove Sports Partnership was set up in 2014 in  a joint enterprise between the Beechgrove Bowling Club, the Beechgrove Tennis Club and the Moffat Community Sports Hub. The principle purpose was to work with these organisations and the local community to secure the future of sport at Beechgrove Recreation Ground by providing a modern and accessible pavilion. A picture of the outdated pavilion prior to the redevelopment orchestrated by the BSP is shown here.

The bowling club and the tennis club each nominate between 2 and 4 trustees to the partnership board who manage the day to day running of the pavilion

Our Aims

The principle aim of the Beechgrove Sports Partnership was to work with others to replace the obsolete pavilion at Beechgrove Recreation ground and replace it with a purpose built modern and accessible clubhouse. This will in turn secure the legacy of playing sport here that has existed for 150 years, and allow the continued development of youth participation in both sports.

This project is now complete and the new Pavilion is up and running.  In a separate but linked project,  the Beechgrove Tennis Club has worked with other partners including Dumfries and Galloway Council and SportsScotland to replace the existing blaes tennis courts with all weather surfaces.  In addition the Pavilion enables indoor bowling through the winter months.  The combination of these projects mean that the playing season for both clubs is extended from the summer only to throughout the year.

Above all though the pavilion is intended as a facility benefiting the wider community.  We actively encourage external hire of the pavilion facilities

Document Library


Who our trustees are

Trustee Register

Click on the link to find out who our trustees are and when they joined the partnership board. Addresses have been redacted.

Beechgrove Sports Partnership is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation (SCIO) Regulated by the Scottish Charity Regulator (OSCR) Registered Charity Number SC045174

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